To be clear, I wasn’t satisfied by previous solution (Visual Studio Unity Debug.Log snippet). Continue reading “Visual Studio Unity Debug.Log macro”
Developer’s path as a road through failures
Solving one main problem is road through unexpected other small ones. We need persistence: don’t giving up. Iterate, find solution to every small problem, we encounter. Don’t lose big picture. Only in the end, we find solution to that main problem.
Continue reading “Developer’s path as a road through failures”
Abstraction versus explicity
Real battle in programming isn’t about, if Functional Programming is better than Object Oriented. It is not also, which language is better. But it’s all about abstraction versus explicity balance. And persisting it, is the most challenging thing in all programming field.
Why testers are not your enemies?
There isn’t more annoying thing in developers life after fixing bug, then tester who come to us reporting some new issues. Nobody like it. It feels like they do this deliberately. It could be almost depressing, when you happy with last resolved issue. And they smack you down to the ground mentioning about other urgent things to fix.
Szkic życiorysu
Od zawsze marzyłem o tym, aby tworzyć gry komputerowe.
I tak jak dla większości znajomych, tak również i dla mnie stało się to głównym motywem, aby zostać programistą. Continue reading “Szkic życiorysu”